Date(s) - 06/12/2022 - 07/12/2022
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Strengthening policy on migration and rural change
New EU-funded research reveals that migration is an essential part of social development and must be supported at ‘both ends’.
The AGRUMIG H2020-funded research project launched its final meeting after four years of pandemic-affected work today. The seven-country project has major new findings on the importance and complexity of contemporary migration environments in countries spanning Asia, Africa, and Europe.
Dr. Alan Nicol (IWMI), meeting convenor, states: ‘Comprehensive research across China, Ethiopia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Morocco, Nepal, and Thailand reveals key relationships between development outcomes in home areas and outmigration – but no simple linear relationship exists. Stronger policy coherence between migration, the agrarian sector, and rural development is essential, and so is better policy coordination between sending and host countries.
Over time, bringing policy on migration and rural development closer together and governing migration under a more ‘positive approach’ could yield significant benefits. EU policy on investment in developing economies could do more to combine migration governance and rural development policy, a significant element of which should be to help ensure safe migration and overcome the challenges of irregular migration.
Governments and agencies alike could work effectively at ‘both ends’ – from home areas to destination countries and regions, because of the risks and uncertainties posed by future climate impacts and other major disruptors, such as the Covid-19 pandemic.
For further information, please contact Dr. Alan Nicol (IWMI) at or Dr. Pacem Kotchofa at (IWMI).